
Showing posts from October, 2009


Just installed parallels on my MacBook pro. Sacked on windows xp. All works easy and straight forward. Pretty quick so far although slowly installing office 2007 at the moment. Still pretty impressive. May needto invest $50 for the upgrade to version 4 to boost performance even more.. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Box shot


Snow Leopard

Anyone have any views on Snow Leopard? Think I am keen to buy very soon... * Built on a rock-solid, time-tested UNIX foundation, provides unparalleled stability * Improvements include a more responsive Finder, new look and features for Exposé and Stacks, quicker Time Machine backup, faster common tasks and installation, smaller install footprint to name a few * 64-bit computing, multicore-optimisation, OpenCL, QuickTime X and more * Mac OS X protects itself--and you--from viruses, malicious applications and other threats * Includes built-in support for the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Server, so you can use Mail, iCal and Address Book at home and at work

Starting young...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Last one

editing my last image... it has been a long two day slog.... then i have to add all the images to the website via dream-weaver... Just in time for the domain to be successfully transferred for havanaartcafe and then I will have to crack on with that one...

Time flies

Gosh, time flies when you're having fun. Been doing lots of image editing which is quite hard work as you have to concentrate intensely for long periods. Have lots of web work on right now. Need to try get it out the way before other work kicks off.

Havanaartcafe Artwork

well.. I have finished putting all the pictures together for stage one. Need to wait for the domain to transfer over before i do anything else so that i can ftp all the images over to the server. I am not sitting there putting them online one at a time thanks...

Done a bit more work on my own website. The frontpage looks a lot better i think... Watching snooker... Also modified some joomla settings so that it does not display the modified date etc.. Not sure if it is a good thing to have or not. Only if it changes often which is probably won't... .

Still designing

Still designing the website for except that it is the boring process of editing loads of images (of amazing paintings) to put on the site. Have finally made progress with transferring the domain over to my provider so hopefully will actually be able to design the site itself soon...

Beware of the monkey's

This is pretty funny... .

Logo updated...

Worked on my logo a bit more... I wonder if I am a perfectionist? Not that it is perfect but I am trying...


If you need help concentrating then do a Google search on pomodoro - it times you to work for 25 minutes and then gives you a break and so on. It is customisable as well. It is a actual technique but there are some little programs you can use to help you as well. .

Logo updated...

Is this looking any better now?


Just discovered this online... Looks interesting... No time to look into it further right now but maybe in the future...

Google Feedburner

Wow... playing around with google feedburner... It is very powerful and pretty awesome...

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