
A New Way of Being

As the light of the moon shines down on the earth in the night sky, there are many secrets which have long since been forgotten. The ancient ones knew these secrets and used tool and techniques to communicate with the stars and those on other planets. They would share knowledge and stories of what was happening in each other's worlds. The good and the bad. They would learn from each other and warn each other if there were disasters looming like comets or other dangerous phenomenon. In these times when they shared knowledge, it was very dangerous for everyone living on earth. Many of the people had stopped believing in the Gods and had stopped building temples and making sacrifices. Man had become complacent and stopped obeying the laws that were taught to them in order to maintain a society that looked after everyone. It cared for the sick and helped the strong. Everyone depended on each other and were supportive and empowering. When these laws were not adhered to then society woul...

Mountain Bike Crash


Dealing with Failure

This is a very honest and open blog on my recent experiences in dealing with things I have failed in. I have failed at a few things recently. My biggest failure to date is not being with my son every day. I tried everything I could to be with his mother so that I could be with my little boy but it simply didn’t work out. Above all else I felt he deserved to grow up with his mum and dad. I really tried hard and sacrificed a lot to make that happen but eventually it was taken out my hands. And I had to deal with the ultimate failure. I had failed to be there for him every day.

Tragic attack by two lions

At 6:30pm shouting was heard from the houseboat and our researcher arrived at the scene within 10 mins to find an employee had been attacked by the lions. Using the research vehicle the lions were driven off the victim but first aid unfortunately could not be given as the lions remained within too close proximity. The man sadly passed away at the scene.

Scary Truth about Facebook Messenger

Here is a short list of the most disturbing permissions it requires and a quick explanation of what it means to you and the privacy settings on your phone. • Change the state of network connectivity – So Facebook can change or alter your connection to the Internet or your mobile service. You’re basically giving Facebook permission to turn features on your phone on and off and without telling you. • Call phone numbers and send SMS messages – Facebook is able to automatically send text messages to your contacts on your behalf without your consent. Read more here

Gaboon Viper

Bitis gabonica Gaboon vipers have a restricted range and are essentially forest dwellers. They are very spectacular being the heaviest, if not the longest venomous snake in Africa and one of the largest venomous snakes in the world. In Zimbabwe, they are found only along the eastern border, mainly in the river valleys i.e. Honde valley, Burma valley, Pungwe valley, Lisitu valley but also Mt. Selinda, and extending into Mozambique. In South Africa they are restricted to the forests of northern Zululand between Matubatuba and St. Lucia. Elsewhere in Africa they are found in tropical forests throughout Zaire, northern Angola, Zambia, south eastern Tanzania, western Kenya, Uganda and from southern Sudan to Guinea. Read more here

Black mamba – Dendroaspis polylepis

There is little chance of you coming across a black mamba near the water’s edge when you are out fishing, because firstly, they don’t generally hunt their prey near water, and secondly, being very shy and antisocial, they would have moved on as soon as they heard you coming! However, you may encounter them on your way to the water, especially if you have to trek through bush and have to climb over rocks and kopjies – which is where black mambas live! I have to confess, and I’m sure most honest fisherman would agree that the best fishing spots are those that you can drive to, with the minimum amount of walking and carting of tackle and beer. This also lessens the chance of meeting snakes along the way. Read more here